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I'm having problems connecting. How do I run a Traceroute?

To run a traceroute using Windows (Mac users see below):

click start
click run
type in: command

this will open a dos prompt window.
Then type in: tracert

(replace with your actual domain name)

Then hit enter

When it's done, click the dotted box button on the far left of the top of the window, and then you can select the text with a mouse, and copy (control+c) and paste it (control+v) into an email or a support desk ticket. (You may also be able to right click to select all and copy)


For Mac users:

Go to your Applications folder, then to the Utilities folder.
Open the program named Terminal, and type in: traceroute
(then hit enter)

When it's done running, you can select the text with a mouse, copy (command+c), and paste (Command+v) the text into an email or a support desk ticket.

Properties ID: 000053   Views: 20152   Updated: 7 years ago
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