Hosting Client Testimonials
AllWebCo hosts a diverse array of clients offering products and services in a myriad of businesses. The testimonials below are completely unsolicited. We didn't ask for them, but we are honored to have been given the opportunity to earn them.

AllWebCo Website Hosting and Design was awarded and chosen by WebHostingSearch as one of the Best Web Hosting Companies.
Since 1997, AllWebCo has proven affordable hosting doesn't mean suffering bad quality hosting. Fast and reliable service has made AllWebCo one of the top hosting providers today. A recent survey conducted by WebHostingSearch team has proven that AllWebCo has quality service and good 24/7 support, earning them loyal and satisfied customers. Top Host Pick 2011
Zoe Davis - WebHostingSearch
I am blessed with having found the best Web Hosting company ever. Great service, great hosting, and the staff are amazing. Everyone I refer to them loves them as much as I do. I have been with them so long I cannot remember when I was not.
When I started out I was with Yahoo Small Business, but the tech and hosting support was just not there. I design on evenings and weekends and AllWebCo get back to me on my time when I (and my clients) need them. Great packages, your site is never down and you can count on your clients always being able to find you. Just does not get better than this company.
Jan Stephens
I appreciate your help more than I can express, and will recommend AllWebCo to anyone I know who is in the market. After all of this, please let me know where I can provide a top-notch review of you and AllWebCo's customer service!
Tess Johnson
I'm Jan Meacham and am a reseller of your hosting. I have a website design, hosting, and SEO company and have been doing business with you for a while now. I always like to tell people when they do a good job, because a good job deserves a good word. So I would like to give you my testimonial at this time.
If you are reading this testimonial and are searching for a great company to do business with, then scroll and click that mouse as fast as you can! Don't miss the nicest, well built, and exceptionally functional website templates on the market. Not to mention that Allwebco has hosting services that are dependable, affordable, and packaged with great services. Last but certainly not least, the support that I have received from Allwebco is well beyond exceptional! Allwebco gets Five Stars from this hard to please web services business owner.
Jan Meacham
I'm speechless. I want to thank you for your well wishes and your kind words. Its so hard to find good service these days but you guys at are in a class by yourself.
From the bottom of my heart, my family and I would like to thank you for your kindness. This is a very exciting time for my family and I'm glad you guys are a part of it.
I Thank you!!!
I will let you know when I'm done with the site so you can take a look at it if you like!!
Thanks again!!
Scorey DuBose
I'd like to thank you for a long partnership with outstanding customer service every time I deal with you - this is why I continue to recommend you guys and don't use anyone else for any of my websites or domain names!
Keep up the excellent work!
Martin Tomkins
Customer service is real at AllWebCo!
Not only did your staff guide me through the web site process, they did so with patience, flexibility, and a sense of humor.
Thank you!
John Shipley
I want to thank you guys so very much for the incredible speedy responses and resolution! Honestly, I expected my site to be down all night long. I didn't realize that you guys were there late and would be able to get my site back up sooo fast!! (As you can see, my business makes me work any hours of the day or night.)
This is why I stick with Allwebco! My clients depend on me, and I depend on you guys. Life sometimes creates a break in the chain, but I am amazed - and so pleased - at how fast you guys responded and fixed that chain. I don't think any host can claim 100% uptime, but I'll give you guys 99.99% and it just doesn't get any better than that, in my humble opinion! This was a very RARE thing for my site to even be down. But it can happen, and that's why I'm glad you guys are there for me.
But not only that, you guys are soooo nice! I never get a hasty remark or get treated like I'm a bother to you. That is very important to me. You've got a great service and great customer service. Who could want anything else when they can have it all at Allwebco? Don't ever change the way you are!!! I will continually recommend you folks to anyone who inquires about starting a website!
You guys deserve a pat on the back, and I extend my thanks to you in a big way!! I can actually go to bed and sleep without worrying about the loss of my customers!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Sharon Brown
Wow! You guys are FAASSSTTT! I am really impressed.
Much thanks again for offering such a good deal on hosting services. I look forward to a continued long business relationship with your company.
Furthermore, I want to say that you guys really did a pretty exhaustive job on writing manuals for getting up and running on a Unix server, including most of the more advanced features, it has helped me immeasurably!
Thanks again,
Brian Burke
"I have been an AllWebCo customer, under various accounts, for about 3 years now, and couldn't be more satisfied. Over the years I have needed assistance with my domains and accounts on many occasions (due to my own ignorance about how some things work), and I very quickly discovered that AllWebCo goes FAR above and beyond anything I would expect when it comes to customer service."
Maggie Martin
"I'm extremely happy with the service and support from AllWebCo. You folks answer questions promptly (billing, sales or support) and the tech support is far better than what I see from other hosts. The fact that I've had my site for almost a year without any crashs or down time is very impressive."
Dyan Campbell
"You folks have been so good to us and your service is remarkable! We truly are thankful to you and your staff. We also, Lord willing, hope to spend many more years enjoying your great service."
Bob & Carol Woodard
"I couldn't ask for better service, and I just wanted to say once again how much I appreciate you."
Lesley Fountain
"Choosing to work with AllWebCo has been one of the best, most profitable busniess decisions my company has made. There are a lot of hosting outfits to choose from, but we've never encountered anyone who works with us so intensely to insure that all of our needs are met, and we really can't thank you enough for that. Your tech support team is accurate and extremely fast, the hosting packages offered are robust and full-featured, you are proactive in making sure that we are satisfied with your services... the list goes on and on. In short, we would like to applaud you for being one of the few companies we truly enjoy working with."
Chris Lea / Lucid Designs, LLC
"You guys are just so amazing!!!!! I know you are probably sick of hearing it but I have never been so pleased with a service since I started web publishing in '95!!!"
Excerpt taken from "Phil Wiley's All the Secrets marketing and free publicity newsletter"
For 2 years now I've been using the excellent to host my site. It's really cheap at $17.95 for 500 megs of space (all accounts have been upgraded many times by AllWebCo since this writing, at no charge to our customers) and all the features you can handle. But that's not why I use it.
( it's why I started using it, but not why I stay there. )
I use Allwebco because it's ultra reliable.
How do I know Allwebco is ultra reliable?
Well that's where Secret Shopper comes in.
It's a free service from Webpartner, that I've been using for a long time now. Every ten or fifteen minutes it checks out my site to make sure it's still working. If anything goes wrong it emails an immediate alert. You also get a weekly report showing up or down time, and performance times of your site.
Here's my report from a couple of weeks ago (when I wrote this article):
Reporting period: Sun, 18-Jun-2000 thru Sat, 24-Jun-2000
Average store-page accessibility by day: (hosted by AllWebCo)
Sun 100%
100% |
Mon 100%
100% |
Tue 100%
99% |
Wed 100%
100% |
Thu 100%
99% |
Fri 100%
100% |
Sat 100%
98% WebPartner 100
This shows the average accessibility of your specified store-page to customers.
The WebPartner 100 is composed of the top 100 e-commerce sites as identified by PC Magazine. You can use this to benchmark your store's performance against leading e-commerce sites.
Average Site Response Time by day (in seconds):
Sun 0.45
0.78 |
Mon 0.59
0.95 |
Tue 0.37
0.76 |
Wed 0.55
0.86 |
Thu 0.86
1.17 |
Fri 0.79
1.23 |
Sat 0.43
0.72 WebPartner 100
Store response time is the time it takes for the online store to respond to a customer browsing the store-pages you are monitoring.
This report shows that my site is both faster to access, and more reliable, than the Top 100 e-commerce sites on the web. Which is comforting knowledge.
Knowing how your site is performing technically, can help you relax and concentrate on the important promotion side of things.
Phil Wiley
We don't expect you to trust us because of what we say on our website. We don't even expect you to trust us because of the unsolicited praise
our customers have voiced. In fact, we don't expect you to trust us
at all! That's why we've removed
ALL risk involved with ordering from us with our
unconditional guarantee.
When we gain your trust, it will be because we've
earned it, not because you had to take a chance to
try us out!
With an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee of your complete satisfaction, and 99.9% uptime, how can you possibly go wrong when you
order from us?